A peek into the life of.
In this column, we get to know some of the alternative health & healing professionals in our area a little better.
Judy Meinen, intuitive healer
Please tell us about what you do and what it means.
I do several different therapies:
Healing Touch and Reiki: Laying on of hands; energy work to help boost the immune system and allow the natural healing abilities of the body to function at their highest level. Chakra balance, calming and stress reduction, pain relief.
Hypnosis: Using progressive relaxation techniques and hypnotherapy scripts personalized to the client, I unlock their potential for healing addictions, cravings, weight issues, emotional issues, test anxiety, phobias and fears of all kinds.
Angel and Tarot readings I use a variety of card decks to reflect to the client what they need to know to move forward in this life and to feel validated, acknowledged, and normalized. We seek information regarding past life issues, number of angels, guides, ancestors, animal spirits, etc. surrounding the client. I teach the use of a pendulum and why one would use it for healing and getting answers to questions.
QXCI biofeedback: For stress analysis and reduction techniques. This may involve homeopathics and referrals to other natural/wholistic care practitioners.
How did you get started in your field?
Kicking and screaming! My extreme perfectionist, scientific personality did not understand this qualitative way of healing and health. I started attending the UWEC to further my education in nursing. One of the classes involved using Therapeutic Touch and Healing Touch as nursing care interventions. I was very skeptical about the concept, theory, and practice of such a technique, and studied a variety of resources on the subject. I interviewed three instructors at the UWEC who were currently educated and practicing it on clients and research subjects. After taking the Healing Touch class in February of 1997, I found that it made a strong scientific case for complementary healing and that the clients that I used it on were very pleased with their results and wanted more. April of 1998, I started Angel Care Healing Touch and have been practicing these techniques and adding to them ever since. In February 2002, I took Dr. Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy certificate course. I am still strongly skeptical and rely on my scientific knowledge as well as my intuitive hunches to back up anything I hear, see, read, or feel.
What do you with your patients?
Depending on the technique they choose, the Healing Touch and Reiki clients stay fully dressed and may lay down on the massage table during the healing sessions. For the Angel or Tarot readings, the client sits at the desk with me and we discuss the card readings and any other questions or information that may present. The hypnosis clients may lay down on the massage table during the session or be seated in a chair. The QXCI clients sit in a chair in my office during their session or they may be in a different location during the session.
How does your work help people?
The most common feedback I receive from my clients is about what they feel: relaxation, emotional relief, increased health (less colds, flu, headache), increased comfort, increased self-esteem, increased self-confidence. That they are not alone, not crazy, and feel more in control of their lives and their reactions to the other people in their lives, workplace, home, and the public in general. The clients usually comment that they feel that what they heard me say is what they have been feeling all along and this session just confirmed it.